Web Design

Web Design

TechRoles Offers 5 weeks User Interface/Front End Development training. All the clients in the world wide now define their products with Rich look and feel to their end users. At Advithri, We train the depth concepts of User Interface Development. We train the techonlogies HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3, JavaScript, Object Oriented JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, JSON, Responsive design and Client side MVC basics.

  • Intro to Web Development and Building Web Pages
  • More HTML/CSS Basics
  • Advanced CSS
  • Page Layout and Search Engine Optimization
  • Navigation and Sprites
  • Grid Based Design and Typography
  • Mobile Web Development & Media Queries and Responsive Design
  • HTML5/CSS3 and Code Review
  • Intro to Web Development and Building Web Pages
  • More HTML/CSS Basics
  • Advanced CSS
  • Page Layout and Search Engine Optimization
  • Navigation and Sprites
  • Grid Based Design and Typography
  • Mobile Web Development & Media Queries and Responsive Design
  • HTML5/CSS3 and Code Review
  • JQuery fundamentals
  • Event Binding
  • Event Propagation and Delegation
  • Event Object & Advanced Event Handling
  • Content, Attributes & Properties
  • CSS Styles and Dimensions
  • $.ajax Options and Shortcut Methods
  • Animating Properties and Easing
  • Stop/Delay and Global Settings